Source | |
Dernière modification |
Février 11, 2025, 23:18 (UTC)
Créé le |
Juillet 27, 2023, 18:22 (UTC)
hub |
651fcde4-5554-4777-a828-fdbddc610478 |
access_constraints |
["no limitations on public access"] |
bbox-east-long |
10.800341 |
bbox-north-lat |
51.314317 |
bbox-south-lat |
41.158545 |
bbox-west-long |
-5.839455 |
contact-email | |
coupled-resource |
[] |
dataset-reference-date |
[{"type": "revision", "value": "2022-12-15"}, {"type": "publication", "value": ""}, {"type": "creation", "value": ""}] |
date_moissonnage_last_modification |
2023-07-27T18:22:40.947605 |
display_versionning |
false |
edition_security |
{"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*88*","*1*","*138*","*331*","*140*","*1387*","*1853*","*2305*","*1845*","*2612*"]} |
equivalent-scale |
{1000,250000} |
features |
frequency-of-update |
irregular |
licence |
["no conditions apply to access and use"] |
lineage |
Ce jeux de données est constitué par les propositions successives de l'Etat français visant la création du réseau Natura 2000 (Directive Habitats).
Le jeux de données résulte de la réunion des jeux de données fournis par les structures régionales de l'Etat (DREAL). |
metadata-date |
2023-02-09T16:46:30 |
metadata-language |
fre |
nb_views |
00000073 |
progress |
records_count |
0 |
resource-type |
dataset |
responsible-organisation-1 |
{"contact-info": {"city": "", "phone": "", "address": "", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "", "email": ""}, "role": "resourceProvider", "organisation-name": "Mus\u00e9um national d'Histoire naturelle", "individual-name": "SIG", "position-name": "GIS Officer"} |
responsible-party |
[{"name": "Mus\u00e9um national d'Histoire naturelle", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}] |
spatial |
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-5.839455, 41.158545], [10.800341, 41.158545], [10.800341, 51.314317], [-5.839455, 51.314317], [-5.839455, 41.158545]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type |
spatial-reference-system |
2154 |
spatial-representation-type |
spatial_harvester |
true |
themes |
[] |
use-constraints-1 |
"no conditions apply to access and use" |